Terms & Conditions

These conditions govern your use of the WhatsOnVinyl website. By accessing the site, it’s assumed you agree entirely with these conditions. Discontinue use of WhatsOnVinyl’s site if you don’t agree with all the stated terms and conditions.

The terms “Client,” “You,” and “Your” refer to the user of this website who agrees to the terms provided by the Company. “The Company,” “We,” “Our,” and “Us,” denote WhatsOnVinyl.com. The terms “Party,” “Parties,” or “Us,” include both the Client and the Company, or either one individually. These terms encompass the agreement for our services to the Client, under the required payment terms, through formal appointments or other means, with the objective of fulfilling the Client’s requirements regarding the provision of the Company’s specified services/products, under the governing law. The use of any terminology in singular, plural, capitalized form or in he/she/they, is considered interchangeable, referring to the same entities.


WhatsOnVinyl utilizes cookies. By navigating WhatsOnVinyl’s website, you agree to our cookie usage as outlined in our privacy policy.

Contemporary interactive websites, including ours, leverage cookies to collect user information during each visit. Cookies facilitate certain functionalities on our site, enhancing the user experience. Additionally, cookies may be employed by some of our affiliate/advertising partners.

DMCA Copyright Policy

Should you discover any material or content on our website that you believe infringes upon a copyright, we request you to forward a notice of copyright infringement containing the necessary details:

  • A detailed identification of the copyrighted works or materials being infringed;
  • Precise identification of the allegedly infringing material, including specific details about the location of said materials that the copyright holder wishes to be removed, ensuring that the Company can locate and verify its presence;
  • Contact details of the person making the notification, including postal address, telephone number, and if applicable, an email address;
  • A declaration that the person making the notification has a sincere belief that the use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;
  • A declaration, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that the notifying party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

Upon receiving a notice of takedown complying with the above requirements, we will act to remove the allegedly infringing material from our website.

Affiliate Programs

Whatsonvinyl.com is a participant in the following affiliate programs:

  • Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees and commission by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.

Release Dates

Vinyl release dates may shift and frequently do. Updates regarding any alterations will be posted on our website. However, notifications will not be provided for delays in release dates.